Vamps by Nancy A. Collins

Vamps by Nancy A. Collins

Author:Nancy A. Collins [Collins, Nancy A.]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi, pdf
Tags: Horror & Ghost Stories
Published: 2010-06-08T16:55:11.486000+00:00

Chapter 10

As everyone started leaving, Lilith hopped down from her perch and began searching the students fi ling out of the grotto, hoping to catch sight of Jules. She needed to fi nd him before he returned to Ruthven’s so she could tell him she had just spotted the New Blood from the park.

As she wound through a stand of stalagmites, she heard Jules’s voice coming from up ahead. Rounding a cone-shaped rock, she spotted him standing next to one of the great columns that supported the roof of the grotto, looking up toward the ceiling.

“Praise the Founders I found you,” she said as she hurried toward him.

“Hi there, Lili,” he said, turning to greet her. “I was just talking to my cousin,” he explained, pointing upward. Lilith raised her eyes and found herself staring up 123

at Xander Orlock. Jules’s cousin was clinging to the side of the column like a lizard on a garden wall.

“Uh, yeah. Hi, Exo,” Lilith said, fi ghting back a grimace as she looked into his face.

Unlike the majority of students who attended Ruthven’s and Bathory, Xander did not use any kind of artifi cial tanning agent on his skin. His complexion was so pale it was actually translucent, giving him a slightly bluish cast. With his large, protruding eyes, unnaturally long fi ngers, and pointed ear tips, Lilith found it diffi cult to believe that Xander was in any way related to Jules.

“Hello, Lilith,” Xander said with just the faintest lisp. Due to inbreeding on his father’s side of the family, he had a hard time fully retracting his fangs, which sometimes affected his speech.

“Remember that newbie bitch that nearly got us killed the other night?” Lilith asked Jules.

“The one from the park?” Jules frowned. “What about her?”

“She’s here in the grotto!”

“There’s a newbie at Bathory?” Xander asked. “How is that even possible?”

“I don’t know,” Lilith growled in disgust. “Maybe she’s not a New Blood after all. Either that or Nerezza’s hard up for tuition fees.”

“Are you sure it’s her?” Jules asked.

“Yes, I’m sure! I’ll never forget her face for as long as 124

I live!” Lilith snapped. “She was sitting right next to me during assembly. I would have killed her right then if the headmistress wasn’t there!”

“Look, Lilith, there’s no point doing something rash,” Jules said. “You know that schools are vendettafree zones. If you try and do anything within a mile of here, you won’t just be expelled, they’ll haul you before the Synod and try you as a criminal.”

“I’ve never seen an actual New Blood before.” Xander grinned. “Maybe I’ll hang around and check her out!”

“Shut up, Exo!” Lilith snapped, no longer able to hide her irritation with his presence. “No one’s talking to you!”

“Okay. I know when I’m not wanted.” Xander sighed. He quickly reversed his grip on the column’s surface and scurried back into the shadows.

“Ugh! I don’t know why you let that spod hang around you,” Lilith said with a shudder.

“I admit, he’s kinda spoddy, but he’s an okay guy, and it’s not like he gets much of a chance to meet hot chicks on his own.


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